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3 Tips for Dealing with Exhaustion

Inevitably we all reach a point where exhaustion consumes us. Maybe it’s after several nights that feel like marathons. Perhaps it’s pregnancy insomnia or endless to-do’s running through your mind. Whatever it may be, motherhood is the place where we reach the end of ourselves. It is also in these moments where we find our greatest vices and our flaws are on display. This is where we often fall into the trap of berating ourselves for letting our idea of “perfect behavior” fall apart.

But the reality mama, is that you’re human. These moments are built in because if we had it all on lock, we wouldn’t ever learn. If we were perfect moms, God wouldn’t get the glory. As 2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us, “but he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness. “I will rather boast most gladly of my weaknesses,* in order that the power of Christ may dwell with me.” I have found that the Lord often highlights weaknesses so that He can perfect them, bringing us to a deeper connection with His heart. Here’s three tips for struggling with exhaustion.

  1. Ask the Lord what He’s working on within this weakness.

At first glance, this may seem impractical. However, this is a question you can ask in real time and get an answer about as you’re having these experiences. Of course, at the first opportunity it’s a great idea to take this to adoration or expand on with Him in your dedicated prayer time. However, it won’t be something you want to put off because He is a good Father continuing to give you opportunities for growth until you have a breakthrough. Asking as you go gives you real-time dialogue and helps you refocus.

2. Ask for increased awareness and actionable steps.

It’s easy to get stakes in our eyes especially when we’re deep in a rut. Ask Him to give you an increased awareness of these responses or moments you’re having. Add to that and ask Him for actionable steps. Do you need to add prayer? Cut out something? Add an act of will to break your impulse? He will give you the strategy that will lead you to the level up He has for you! It’s hard to think about in these moments, but there is something beyond the sleepless nights, the overstimulation, and the exhaustion you feel in this season.

3. Ask Him to fill you up and be open about your experience.

We sometimes forget this step. He WANTS YOU TO ASK! He wants you to work with Him and this includes asking for specific gifts you feel you need in this season. He will FILL YOU UP and you will find that you have an increased capacity for the days ahead. Resist the urge to put Him in a box and allow Him to work through you in each circumstance. He can facilitate breakthrough, learning, and increase your faith in unexpected ways. That being said, don’t be afraid to be honest and tell Him that you’re at your max. He will give you breaks as needed. He will still gently stretch, but His goal is not to break you, but to get you to rely on Him more when your human faculties fail.

Exhaustion is a normal part of motherhood, but we are not confined by it. We have access to a Heavenly Father who has given us the ability to lean into His heart. His capabilities fill the gaps our human frailty leaves. When we were baptized the heavens opened and they didn’t close. In fact, the Father said, “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:13-17) As Jesus modeled this for us, our baptism is the same way. This is just one of the many tools that we’ve been given to tap into. He has given you His children to steward and it wasn’t a mistake. In times of exhaustion, remember you are not defined by the hardship, but by the Heavenly Father who loves you beyond measure and placed you in this time for your mission. It is no coincidence what you’re experiencing. God allows us to experience resistance when we are ready to take another step forward. We just need to leave room to allow Him to transform our minds. When you feel exhausted Mama, lean into the Lord and He will carry you through.